Boredom might be the main reason why you came here first. Simply, It is defined as ‘an emotional state experienced when an individual is left without anything in particular to do, and not interested in their surroundings.’. Most people try to escape from boredom. Yet, I am here today to tell you how such a feeling may change your life to a better version.
In our modern life, we tend to get bored easier and faster. Nothing is satisfying to current daily human life. There is always something to do, we are always busy. When you feel bored, you just hurry to check your Facebook notifications. Bored again? Time to check twitter. Bored again? umm, what about your messenger?... Maybe it is time to check your notifications again. And that’s how the loop starts daily in every new hyperlink you click on in the purse of getting rid of feeling bored. They tell the internet is a set of hyperlinks for a reason. You just go from one link to another, doing what? Fighting boredom. Starting from this, let me tell you another old story.
When I was 15 years old, I decided to change my life. I used to watch TV a lot, serious a lot. I used to have a very bad sleeping routine, sleeping very late in summer, sometimes when it is the next morning which causes sleeping more hours than our normal need by then. Chating was on the trend, so I used to chat with friends all night and play silly trendy games by then. I wasn’t into studying even though I was just starting my high school. I was never a reader. A very bad version of me, yet it was common to teenagers in my circle and usually accepted.
So because of a long story, I had a turning point decision, where I decided to change. My change guide was clear. Simply, I will boycott watching TV, and wake up before Sunrise daily and sleep 6–7 hours only as well. So suddenly after having a lot to do all day from watching TV, chatting friends at night, sleeping many life changed to be 5 am to 11 pm lifestyle..and with nothing to do!
Complete Boredom?
I remember a friend of mine saying while discussing my change, that it is not about if these decisions are right or is about, what are you going to do with your life then?!
Anyways, this year by this decision, I started to love reading step by step, or let’s say I decided to. I started having a daily routine for everything I believe I need to do. I had Qur’an time daily, Azkar, I started to watch a lecture and the usual stuff. I knew a lot of good new people to follow and learn from. I started focusing on my high school's studies so I could get a high rank and join engineering school later. My interests changes, my friends, my lifestyle. I became happier as well and that kind of person who enjoys every little detail of her life. I had a lot of changes, that turned me into who I am today. Thanks to Allah! And all of that? with a little decision, I had as a teenager.
So back to our topic. Simply, feeling bored was really powerful. Having nothing to do in my day from 5 am pushes me to do something. I should have something to wake up that early for! When you feel bored you usually try to escape. No one enjoys being bored, your brain just starts trying to see “then what are you going to do now?!”. So when you put yourself in this kind of state and put rules of what not to do. Your brain will simply search for new things. They might be bad stuff too, but at least we are discovering. The more good rules you have for your life, the more your brain’s redirection will be accurate and better.
With this kind of mentality, I always enjoyed those time of boredom as they are always the start of new habits and changes. Many people try to escape fast from boredom by doing anything, so they lose that moment. Some people would just join a new job, friendship or any kind of something to do to just avoid boredom. Yet, what this long note trying to say is, “No, stop for a second, it is time to decide what you really want to do”!
Having zero boredom in your life from time to time is a sign of not trying to change. You are always busy with Social media, friends, family, duties. And I had this moment before. I have this again from time to time, as social media is a big distraction for most of us. Having lots of friends, followers, leading to many notifications and long timeline to check. I just get into this very busy-doing-nothing zone!. So whenever I decide to turn off Facebook for example for a certain time, I suddenly feel this boredom. And at this moment again, I need to stop myself from just wasting time. And to choose wisely what to do! Suddenly you discover you have time to go to this new class, do these exercises, meet this friend..etc! When my life starts getting full of different activities and conscious moments, I start enjoying long days again, and feeling less bored!
This note is basically or me not, as I need to get bored again! We just need to not fear boredom, have the courage to change, living the moment and to try new things! So when we are doing something, it would be something we are conscious of, happy with, and something worth our time.
Enjoy your boredom, it is the start of something good!
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